You are here: Sustainability Bergen labelled as Sustainable Destination
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You are here: Sustainability Bergen labelled as Sustainable Destination
As of January 2023, Bergen is labelled as Sustainable Destination. With this Bergen becomes the largest destination in the Nordics which is labelled as Sustainable Destination.
On the 14th of March we held the official celebration of Bergen as Sustainable Destination. At the celebration visitors from several members of Visit Bergen, representatives from Innovation Norway, other Norwegian travel destinations, and Randy Durband the CEO of Global Sustainability Tourism Council (GSTC) participated.
Photo: Visit Bergen / Espen Bakketun -
Sustainable Destination is a quality mark for destinations that have committed to work systematically towards more sustainable tourism, preserving local communities, natural areas and cultural heritage, and reducing the environmental footprint from tourism. As a major cruise port Bergen is also evaluated on certain cruise criteria (in Norwegian) in addition to the other 31 criteria and 84 indicators in the labelling scheme. The work done to achieve the label as Sustainable Destination impressed Randy Durband, who especially brought up the “world class” collaboration between the cruise industry and the destination.
Randy Durband. Photo: Visit Bergen / Espen Bakketun -
We are looking forward to working further with sustainability and improving in the future.
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