Did you know that Norway has the second longest coastline in the world? And ten times as many islands as Greece? Actually 98 % of Norway is covered by untouched nature, and with a population of 5,3 millions there are only 15 people living pr. square kilometer in our country.
Photo: VisitBergen / Robin Strand
The pandemic has changed our lives. Many travellers now want to avoid the crowds. Feel that there is space to roam on their own where they choose to travel, without bumping into other people all the time. Space to feel safe.
Norway is the epitome of space on earth. Thousands of secluded beaches, lakes, mountains and islands. And more than 700 glittering fjords. The Bergen region is the perfect place to go experience this new kind of “space travelling”. Explore the coast and the fjords or go hiking on the multitude of mountains in our area. Create new memories while still feeling safe. And be the first among your friends who actually can brag about having been to space.
And remember that the Bergen region is a beautiful place to visit also in the winter time.
You can read more about Norwegian "Space Travel" here. And if you need more reasons to recommend that your customers travel to Bergen you can find them here.
Feel free to contact us at any time if you want to know more about how to travel in the Bergen region away from crowds.