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Great places to visit outside Bergen city center
© Visit Bergen / Espen Bakketun - visitBergen.com
Easily accessible with train from Bergen
Great area for water sports, 1.5 hours from Bergen.
Historical setting and unique accommodation 2 hours from Bergen.
Unique war history and beautiful nature 1.5 hours from Bergen
Vsiit western Norway's hidden gem, 1.5 hours from Bergen.
World famous textile and world-class nature only one hour from Bergen.
People have lived on the island Osterøy for 3,500 years. 40 minutes from Bergen.
Enjoy the village life on the charming island Fedje.
A place for active and exciting experiences west of Bergen.
World-class food, accommodation and activities.
Experience Tysnesfest, Haaheim Gaard and Mandelhuset