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How to travel to and around Bergen
How to get to Bergen and how to get around.
Book activites, tours and change currency.
Wondering what the weather in Bergen is like?
Visiting Bergen in the winter? Get tips on what to wear.
Read or download Bergen Guide and other brochures.
Download maps from Bergen and the region.
Get the inside information directly from the experts in our podcasts.
When are the public holidays in Norway and how are they celebrated?
Bergen is located on the west coast in Norway.
Visa requirements, language, currency and more travel essentials.
Discover accessible attractions and activities
Gay Bars and Inclusive Experiences
Rent a car, bus, boat, or equipment for your baby while traveling.
Choose eco-friendly experiences, stay longer and eat locally produced food.
Be prepared before setting off on a hike in Norway.
7 guidelines we hope you will follow when visiting Bergen.
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