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You are here: Home Visitor Information Travel Information Getting Here How to get from Kristiansand to Bergen
There are several different options for travelling from Kristiansand to Bergen. You can go by plane, the flight takes 55 minutes if it goes directly to Bergen. If you are planning to drive from Kristiansand to Bergen, you can expect to use about 8 hours. If you travel by bus, the journey takes a minimum of 10 hours. Beware that you have to change bus along the way.
The flight between Kristiansand and Bergen takes 55 minutes when the plane goes directly. Add a bit more time of the flight has a stopover in Stavanger. The route is operated by several airlines, and there are daily departures. When you arrive in Bergen, Bergen Light Rail or the Airport Bus is the easiest way to get from the airport to the city center.
You have two main routes to choose from between Kristiansand and Bergen. The first one is the E39 along the coast up to Stavanger, and from there towards Bergen (440 kilometers in total). On this route there are two ferry crossings, at Arsvågen outside of Stavanger and at Sandvikvåg on Stord. The second route goes further inland via Evje, Haukeli and Voss (approx. 470 kilometers) and has no ferry crossings.
Click on the map to see the driving routes on Google Maps
The journey from Kristiansand to Bergen on E39 can be divided into 2 equal parts; from Kristiansand to Stavanger and from Stavanger to Bergen. There are many exciting experiences along the way.
-Approximately 2 hours drive from Kristiansand, you will reach Egersund. Just outside Egersund you will find Magma Geopark. A Geopark is a geographical area that has a distinctive geology. Magma Geopark is located in an area that was once 20 kilometers below the earth's surface, covered by mountain ranges at the height of the mountains of the Himalayas!
-The amusement park Kongeparken, located in Ålgård, is always a family favourite. Kongeparken (25 minutes drive from Stavanger) is the largest amusement park in Western Norway, with over 60 attractions.
-If you’re not in a hurry, why not take the North Sea Road (Nordsjøvegen) from Kristiansand to Stavanger. The North Sea Road runs along some of the most beautiful coastal stretches in Norway and has a myriad of experiences to offer along the way.
Check out our recommendations for places to stop between Stavanger and Bergen here.
-Evje is located 1 hour drive from Kristiansand. Evje is all about action packed activities! Rafting, bike trails and challenging climbing areas in the forest are just some of the activities on offer. An excellent opportunity to sharpen your senses before the rest of the journey.
-2 hours drive from Evje you get to the village Hovden, a great place to stop and stretch your legs. Hovden is the largest ski resort in Setesdal, but there are plenty of things to do in the summer as well. Go swimming at Hovden Badeland & Spa, or why not go for a hike or try your luck with the fishing rod in the Hegni Friluftsområde?
-The last part of the journey is via Odda and further into Hardanger. If you are fascinated by waterfalls, you have now reached paradise. Check out our article on the largest waterfalls in the area for more information. A stop at Mikkelparken in Kinsarvik is a must for families with kids at the age of 10 or lessthe . The drive from Hovden to Odda takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes, and the last part of the journey from Odda to Bergen via Voss takes just under 3 hours.
Låte waterfall, 20 minutes drive from Odda. Photo: Foap -
It is possible to travel by bus between Kristiansand and Bergen. There is however no direct line between the cities, so you have to change bus one or several times along the way. The bus company Nor-Way has express routes between Kristiansand and Stavanger. The same company also operates Kystbussen, which runs between Stavanger and Bergen.
A journey with the Fjordline ferry from Stavanger to Bergen is a journey with stunning views of mountains and fjords. The ferry ride takes 5 hours and 30 minutes, and the ferry sails inland so you are close to the coast all the way, and can see all the landmarks along the way. Take a well-deserved break from driving, enjoy a good meal and think of all the fun you will have in Bergen!
Take a break from driving, travel with Fjordline from Stavanger to Bergen. Photo: Thomas Østberg Jacobsen
Bergen offers a large selection of activities and attractions. If you do some planning in advance, you’re certain to get the most out of your stay.
Bergen is easy to get to no matter where in Norway you travel from. Read more about how to get to Bergen and how to get around.
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